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May 12, 2021

Cracking Open The Egg: From the Jungle to the Mountains, Integration, and Life After Psychedelics

Tags: shamanism, psychedelic therapy, Ayahuasca, Andean healing Arts, Trauma Therapy, Conscious Evolution, Integration

Psychedelic therapies are on the rise. They are being touted as healing remedies for trauma, chronic pain, and as a catalyst for for spiritual awakening. There is great hope for a sort of spiritual revolution as some of our plant allies, and even psychedelic chemical derivatives, help us to overcome our limitations and reclaim our true nature. Significant research is being done at reputable Universities such as Johns Hopkins showing the healing effects of psychedelics in trauma therapy. People are finding microdosing psilocybin more effective and with less side effects than antidepressants. Evidence suggests these plant allies have been with us since the beginning as an essential part of our healing practices. It is important to give these allies great respect, to know they are not for everyone, and it also important to understand where their job begins and where it ends.

August 01, 2014

Epigenetics: Have You Restored Your Original OS-Human Settings?

Tags: Epigenetics, Evolution, Shamanic Path

It was only 10-20 years ago that we thought of our genes as being hardwired and absolute. The dye was cast when the the DNA of our mother and father merged in the egg and a zygote was formed. A new field of biology called Epigenetics says otherwise; instead, every significant experience we have in our lives shapes us genetically into who we are. It has been shown that we are constantly turning on and off genes with our mere thoughts and how we process our experiences. With the old model, the way humans evolved over time was from one generation to the next; after you had passed  your genes on to your children you were essentially genetically obsolete. We now know we continue to evolve from within a generation. While our parents give us the basic genetic building blocks, the rest is up to us. So the real question is, are you all you can  be?!

April 11, 2014

Your Mind Is Not the Path to Your Soul

Tags: Ego, evolution, Intellect, Love, Spiritual path, Thought

Trying to navigate our spiritual development through our intellect is like trying to teach a fish to ride a bicycle! In fact, it is our intellect that gets in the WAY of our spiritual development by shoving our lessons into shadow and trying to "claim" spiritual prowess without having done the work.
When we come, instead, from the compassion of the heart, we bypass the ego's claim on victory and align with the truthfulness of the soul.

It is here that our deepest work is done.

January 18, 2014

Imprints and Spiritual Materialism

Tags: Communication, compassion, Emotions, evolution, imprints, judgment, Kindness

After several recent incidents, I find myself wanting to address the difference between expressing real time emotions and having imprints or issues....

Those of us who have learned about imprints in our energy fields have realized that when these imprints are triggered we get derailed into emotions from the past. We realize that to be the best healers, or even friends, lovers and colleagues we can be, we need to look into our own selves and heal these imprint driven issues that keep us from being in the present.

December 18, 2013

Cockroaches and Termites

Tags: awareness, Collusion, control, Ego, Emotions, evolution, Fear, Guilt, judgment, Negativity, Projection, Separation, Shadow, Shame, Truth

We are remodeling my bathroom to put in a tub (!)...but as we tore out the old nasty shower stall and uprooted the flooring we found the pipes had been leaking for years... the old wall wood was riddled with termites... and under the flooring lived a colony of cockroaches... It got me to thinking about shadow.

September 06, 2013

When Lightning Strikes…

Tags: acceptance, attachment, evolution, Paradigm shift, Power, Spiritual path, Surrender

When lightning strikes a forest it chars and burns leaving huge gaping holes... But it also clears a path for more light to enter and creates space for something new to grow. We all have these moments where it feels like lightning struck out of nowhere... In these moments it is important to remember it wasn't personal and we are being given an opportunity to expand our light and grow.

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