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December 15, 2013

Spiritual Materialism

Tags: attachment, Ego, possessions, Spiritual path, Surrender

Ah, Spiritual Materialism.... having the better path, the clearer connection to Spirit, the better guides... the more vivid visions, the prettier or most powerful tools the most advanced techniques, the more renowned teachers or Master Teachers... the most workshops under our belts, the most initiations by sacred orders or tribes... Knowing the most "spiritually advanced" people... That ego, it is a sneaky little monkey! "Spiritual work" without the "personal work" of learning to detach our ego from the way we connect to the Divine is not spiritual work! As Lao Tzu says, do your work and then step back...

September 24, 2013

Is It Really Someone Else that Loves us?

Tags: attachment, Being Present, blame, control, Doubt, Intellect, Love, Negativity, Perception, Projection, Separation

The consciousness of love runs through us as a continuum, like an ever flowing river to the sea... but we chop it up and attribute it to individuals. We think when those individuals leave us the love stops. The illusion is that it came from those individuals. It "came" by our opening our hearts to them and letting it flow through us.
It is always there to flow through us if we let it. So often we hold back. So often we nip and bite at, we criticize and blame the ones who love us so as not to be disappointed, hurt or controlled by them. When we do this it is we who cut ourselves off from that river... and we who create the illusion of isolation. We then look for it someplace else... when where we need to look is inside.

September 12, 2013

Is it Love or An Attachment?

Tags: attachment, awareness, Emotions, Fear, Love, possessions, Scarcity

There is a difference between love and our attachments to what we love. Love is like the water in a clear spring fed pool, our attachments are us grasping at it and trying to put it in a jar. Within the jar it is safe and we know where it is; we can take it out and use it whenever we please. But when the jar breaks we believe we lost the love. We haven't. It is still all around us and we can always go back to that pool. It is only the jar that we have lost. It is our attachment to that jar that hurts. Attachment comes from the ego identifying with something and claiming ownership over it. The emotional investment of ownership is not love. The pain of losing is not love. The challenge is to love, truly love, without being attached, to swim in that pool but not need to contain it.

September 06, 2013

When Lightning Strikes…

Tags: acceptance, attachment, evolution, Paradigm shift, Power, Spiritual path, Surrender

When lightning strikes a forest it chars and burns leaving huge gaping holes... But it also clears a path for more light to enter and creates space for something new to grow. We all have these moments where it feels like lightning struck out of nowhere... In these moments it is important to remember it wasn't personal and we are being given an opportunity to expand our light and grow.

August 29, 2013

Victim Thinking

Tags: vibration, attachment, Consciousness, Emotions, Frequency, imprints, Paradigm shift, Perception, self respect, victim

When we remember that nothing is truly personal we stay out of victim thinking. No one is doing anything to us, we are just experiencing their reactions to their environment, which we may be a part of. They may even mean their reactions as personal but it has way more to do with them, their history and imprints, than it has to do with us.

June 19, 2013

Are We Our Emotions?

Tags: attachment, awareness, Emotions

Isn't it interesting that in our language we 'are' our emotions? We say we are happy, sad, angry, jealous, joyful.... In other languages we say instead that we 'have' these emotions... I have sadness... Emotions are transitory feedback, reactions to our environment or circumstances. Are we them or are we just experiencing them

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