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March 01, 2018

Following the Shamanic Path, After the Colors Fade

Tags: Ayahuasca, PTSD, Shamanic Path, Alternative Therapy, Ecotherapy

The main principle behind shamanic healing is that our physical and mental/emotional realities are orchestrated by our multidimensional spiritual selves. This self carries all our true capacity, but it also carries the imprints from all of our unresolved wounds, from this lifetime through to the ancient past, in shadow. When our minds do not know how to process hurtful events they become imprinted on our souls, directing the way our lives unfold at the physical. Once our multidimensional selves heal, our bodies and minds can finally express our true capacity. 

Shamanic healers can help us shift, grow, and heal by connecting with our multidimensional selves. They are distinct in their capacity to bridge the physical and the spiritual domains, aiding in this evolutionary process. One of the main tenants of shamanic healing is that the client must be put in a trance state to let go of the wounds locked into the fear based mind. Only in trance will the mind let go of its defenses enough to effect change. There are many different kinds of shamans, and many ways to achieve these trance states. Some tribes use drumming, or dancing, while others use breath work. Others, still, use psychotropic plant medicines. While methods vary from tribe to tribe, shamanic healers share in common the idea that our dysfunctional physical reality is a projection of the imbalances in our spiritual selves.  

August 01, 2014

Epigenetics: Have You Restored Your Original OS-Human Settings?

Tags: Epigenetics, Evolution, Shamanic Path

It was only 10-20 years ago that we thought of our genes as being hardwired and absolute. The dye was cast when the the DNA of our mother and father merged in the egg and a zygote was formed. A new field of biology called Epigenetics says otherwise; instead, every significant experience we have in our lives shapes us genetically into who we are. It has been shown that we are constantly turning on and off genes with our mere thoughts and how we process our experiences. With the old model, the way humans evolved over time was from one generation to the next; after you had passed  your genes on to your children you were essentially genetically obsolete. We now know we continue to evolve from within a generation. While our parents give us the basic genetic building blocks, the rest is up to us. So the real question is, are you all you can  be?!

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