August 01, 2016
The Unforgiven: Beyond Crimes and Punishment
Tags: Forgiveness, Justice, Near Death Experiences, Scarcity, NDE
We are often bound to people we do not like, trust or respect through our grudges, fears and hatred. These are people who have hurt, rejected or abandoned us. Some crimes are personal, others hit at the hearts of our race, gender or sexuality. Some have done unthinkable things, others have just offended us. In any case we hold court in our minds and then execute sentences that keep them forever accountable.
We know we are supposed to forgive and move on but we feel that excuses their behavior. If we stop holding our grudge, who will they answer to? Someone has to remember. If we let them off the hook how will we know they have paid for their transgressions? We punish them so we know someone has, because we fear they will do it again. This takes great energy, however, even when it is simply a dialogue in our minds.
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October 30, 2013
The Withholder’s Drama
Tags: control, Empowerment, Negativity, Power, Scarcity, self respect, Shadow, victim, Withholding
The Withholder's power lies in the drama WE create in response to their withdrawal. Our reaction, in their minds, then further justifies their actions. Can you resist the bait of taking their actions personally? Do you really need to indulge in high drama...? Usually when we do, abandonment and rejection are part of our old stories. When we do our personal work around these issues then a Withholder is just that... someone left standing there holding onto the ball they took out of play.
September 12, 2013
Is it Love or An Attachment?
Tags: attachment, awareness, Emotions, Fear, Love, possessions, Scarcity
There is a difference between love and our attachments to what we love. Love is like the water in a clear spring fed pool, our attachments are us grasping at it and trying to put it in a jar. Within the jar it is safe and we know where it is; we can take it out and use it whenever we please. But when the jar breaks we believe we lost the love. We haven't. It is still all around us and we can always go back to that pool. It is only the jar that we have lost. It is our attachment to that jar that hurts. Attachment comes from the ego identifying with something and claiming ownership over it. The emotional investment of ownership is not love. The pain of losing is not love. The challenge is to love, truly love, without being attached, to swim in that pool but not need to contain it.
August 07, 2013
Possessions and Entitlement
Tags: entitlement, Consciousness, Gratitude, Paradigm shift, Perception, possessions, Scarcity, Shadow, victim
It is interesting that so many of our laws are created around ownership. In any true spiritual sense we all own nothing but our perceptions, and many of those go unclaimed. Even our ideas are thought by many minds. If we taught people to deal with envy, jealousy, greed and fear as an essential part of their early education, our need for all these laws and the wars they precipitate would become obsolete. Take a moment today to look at how many of the things that irk you come from a sense of ownership and entitlement... Blessings on your Day!