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August 18, 2014

Are You Making This Up?

Tags: projection, magic, perception

Are you perceiving or projecting...?
Are you using Judgement or Discernment?

It is the difference between receiving information... and manufacturing it...
Between drawing it in and containing it verses creating it and propagating it out...

So often we preempt our intuition through the use of our minds and words... To not know, makes us feel vulnerable... So we choose to overlay what we do know, onto the unfamiliar.

But in this way we never grow.
We just march over the same old ground and in it familiarity, beat our chests claiming our prowess.

From Not-Knowing we join in the mystery as it is ever unfolding before us...
Within us...

To not know is open the intuition to true knowing...

December 18, 2013

Cockroaches and Termites

Tags: awareness, Collusion, control, Ego, Emotions, evolution, Fear, Guilt, judgment, Negativity, Projection, Separation, Shadow, Shame, Truth

We are remodeling my bathroom to put in a tub (!)...but as we tore out the old nasty shower stall and uprooted the flooring we found the pipes had been leaking for years... the old wall wood was riddled with termites... and under the flooring lived a colony of cockroaches... It got me to thinking about shadow.

September 24, 2013

Is It Really Someone Else that Loves us?

Tags: attachment, Being Present, blame, control, Doubt, Intellect, Love, Negativity, Perception, Projection, Separation

The consciousness of love runs through us as a continuum, like an ever flowing river to the sea... but we chop it up and attribute it to individuals. We think when those individuals leave us the love stops. The illusion is that it came from those individuals. It "came" by our opening our hearts to them and letting it flow through us.
It is always there to flow through us if we let it. So often we hold back. So often we nip and bite at, we criticize and blame the ones who love us so as not to be disappointed, hurt or controlled by them. When we do this it is we who cut ourselves off from that river... and we who create the illusion of isolation. We then look for it someplace else... when where we need to look is inside.

September 17, 2013

Colluding With Violence

Tags: Anger, Being Present, blame, Bullying, Collusion, control, Emotions, Fear, Guilt, imprints, Projection, victim, Violence

I saw a strange thing yesterday: A young guy in a Mustang whipped around a corner and hit a middle age guy in an SUV. The SUV, however, was straddling both lanes of a narrow passageway so technically he was at fault for being in the wrong lane. It was all fender bender kind of damage but adrenaline does strange things...The SUV driver came steaming out of the SUV yelling and screaming into the face of the young Mustang driver... The young guy started crying and apologizing, in total shock. He seemed totally convinced he was in the wrong... It made me think about how often we collude with bullies and people who are angry because we are so rattled by their violence.

September 08, 2013

Transferring Blame

Tags: acceptance, awareness, blame, Emotions, judgment, Negativity, Paradigm shift, Perception, Projection, Shadow, Shame, victim

We become victims when we are unwilling to sit with the discomfort of feelings that are coming up in us because of a situation we are in. It is easier to transmute the discomfort of vulnerability into blame or anger and redirect it at something outside of us.

The indisputable part of our story is our pain.

August 13, 2013

Tell Me… Who Are YOU?

Tags: coherence, Emotions, Love, Paradigm shift, Possibility, Projection, self respect, Truth

Will you be caught in the vortex of someone else's projections, and play your part because you love them or cannot bear to defy them, or can you find a stillness to stand in, waiting until the storm passes, and stay true to who you came here to be?

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