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March 01, 2019

Changing Paradigms Instead of Chasing Monkeys

Tags: Andean Mysticism, Principles of Physics, Good and Evil, Going Inside

When we open up to the world of “spirituality,” we open to the unknowns of an invisible energetic world. What we find there is largely based on the beliefs we drag in. Humans tend to project what they are familiar with onto blank screens. If we were raised believing that Good and Evil are forever locked in a fight over our world, we will surely find these embodied in the invisibility of the energetic realm. But what if the spiritual realm is really just conscious energy, with no real moral overlay at all, just intelligence forever unfolding itself in a myriad of ways?

If you study physics you learn that the universe is an intelligent matrix of intelligence, completely interconnected and entangled. There are no good and bad particles, no evil forces nor good ones, just exchanges between things. Understanding their different natures allows one to predict their interactions. An electron, for example, has a negative charge, while a proton has a positive charge. This does not mean that electrons act from evil, running amuck, destroying things, while protons are good and patiently put them back together. Both are equally corrosive without the balance of the other to negate its charge, but neither have an intrinsic morality. 

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