December 02, 2023
Interview of Christina Allen at Shaman’s Summit: Healing Trauma, Body, Mind, and Soul
Listen to an interview with Christina Allen by the Shaman's Directory at their 2023 gathering
Listen to an interview with Christina Allen by the Shaman's Directory at their 2023 gathering
Live interview and conversation between Christina Allen and Olivia Young on healing from trauma using shamanic tools.
Olivia Young interviews Christina Allen on her work.
It all actually started for me when I fell into the fire on Summer Solstice of 2019. It’s been a long 3 years. I don’t know about you but I was taken down to zero. I fought it. I was not going to go down. I’m tenacious, I’m stubborn. But over and over again I got the message to let go. To die the shamn's death. And finally I did. I’m sure this happened to many of you over the COVID time-out.
I literally fell into a ceremonial fire, landed with my left hand on a log of burning embers and was apparently engulfed in flames, briefly. I heard this voice say "This is an intitation." Then came the unraveling. And the reformatting. And the alchemy. You see, at the core of this was the call for me to heal from a lifetime of what I call freeze. It’s one of the three states we can go into when events are too big to face. We run. We fight. Or we freeze. My go-to was to freeze.