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November 09, 2024

Interview with Shaman’s Directory 2024: Every Initiation Is A Death And A Rebirth

Tags: Global Summit 2024, Intitations, Shaman, Andean, Shamanic Trainng, Andean Mysticism, Energy Medicine

Listen to an interview with Christina Allen by the Shaman's Directory at their 2024 Global Summit gathering

December 02, 2023

Interview of Christina Allen at Shaman’s Summit: Healing Trauma, Body, Mind, and Soul

Tags: Shamanic Training, Shaman's Directory, Global Summit, Trauma, Energy Medicine, Freeze, Shamanic Teachers, Podcast, psychadelics, psychadelic therapy, Healing

Listen to an interview with Christina Allen by the Shaman's Directory at their 2023 gathering

October 22, 2022

Podcast Interview of Christina Allen by Olivia Young

Tags: Energy medicine, Default Mode network, psychadelic assisted therapy, shaman, Andean shamanism, healing, trauma, PTSD, Freeze


Olivia Young interviews Christina Allen on her work.

June 01, 2017

Beyond Talk Therapy

Tags: Shamanic Healing, Imprint Work, Soul Healing, Energy Medicine, Psychological Counseling

A psychological counselor can be an invaluable ally when we are sorting through our emotions and looking for ways to better cope with our wounds. It is comforting to have a neutral, anonymous person to talk to, and someone who can help us root through our stuff to get a better handle on it. Why then, would you see a shamanic healer? The short answer is, you still feel wounded. Counselors work mind to mind, using their minds to interact with yours. If the root of your problem is imprinted on your soul, talking about it has limited effect.

Shamans believe soul sickness is the origin of all mental and physical illness. They operate from the principle that your body and mind are connected to, and informed by, a third body of consciousness. It is a membrane of light that surrounds your physical body, perceiving the world independently of it. People who have technically died, but who have been brought back to life, report still being very aware of their surroundings, despite their complete loss of neural activity. They also report seeing the whole event from a position outside their body. 

May 29, 2014

Tune in to Intention Radio Tonight!

Tags: Energy Medicine, Intention Radio

What is Energy Medicine? Tonight we will be talking with a modern day Shaman on her perspectives on health, illness, recovery, dying and death. She has much to say and is a wonderfully grounded and practical healer. Tune in to our interesting dive into her world. Click here to hear the interview.

March 01, 2014

Is Your Healer a Hollow Bone?

Tags: How to choose a healer, Energy Medicine, Shamanism

Open any New Age magazine these days and you find hundreds of different ways to heal spiritually. Most of them are valid. What distinguishes one practice from the other? The practitioner. Anyone can take a weekend workshop to receive attunements or initiations but the difference in their medicine lies in how deeply they are able to hold it. As the ancient shamans knew well, healing others starts with healing yourself.

Has your healer done the deep personal work of clearing their own stories or are they seeing you through their old wounds? If you are a healer, have you removed the imprints you carry around your roles and the beliefs binding you to ancestral, cultural and karmic lineages? Have you dug up and owned your shadow pieces? If not you will forever be derailed into working the unhealed parts of yourself through your clients. Are you, for example, seeing your own divorce in your client’s current relationship dilemma? Are your scarcity issues driving you to enable your clients so they keep depending upon you? Do you collude with your client’s story because it is familiar instead of finding a new map for them?

October 01, 2013

Surfing The Quantum Field

Tags: Quantum Healing, Energy Medicine, Star Trek

Remember when Bones from the 1960’s Star Trek used to run a little scanner over his patients? Not only would he know what was wrong with them, but the scanner instantly fixed the problem – healing happened quickly and miraculously. We all thought, “Yeah, this is the future of medicine!” Instead, we stayed mired in the rigidness of Newtonian physics. By this I mean our biomedical research has been focusing on causes and effects not possibilities! We built larger more expensive machines to detect and analyze our symptoms and created stronger target specific medicines to relieve them. But this is all cause and effect thinking. If we want to radically change the way we do medicine we need to step out of fate and into the Quantum Age. Instead of looking at patients like Isaac Newton would, as rigid predictable statistics, doctors could be thinking like quantum physicists and realizing our future has many possible outcomes. The shamans of old know this and journey into our future to manifest our healed state just by seeing it!


September 01, 2013

Imprints, Bubbles and Strangers on a Bus

Tags: Imprints, Alternative Therapy, LEF, Energy Medicine

When we go from zero to one hundred on an emotional scale in seconds – over something seemingly benign like an inconsiderate driver, the indifference of a cashier, or a mildly insensitive comment from a friend, parent, sibling, or spouse – we’re not losing out monds. Or perhaps we’re caught in destructive emotional behaviors like addiction, depression, or anxiety that we seem powerless to resolve. We may feel crazy, but there’s often a very simple explanation. An imprint was activated in our energetic field.

Each of us lives within a luminous bubble, or light energy field (LEF), that surrounds our physical body. This field is fluid, sensitive and intelligent. You know you have one because when a stranger on the bus sits a little too close to you, you find yourself scooting away. In Nature this field expands out to about 3 feet in all directions from our physical body. On the bus we may pull it in within centimeters from our skin, especially if the person we are seated next to feels particularly creepy.


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