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January 01, 2017

Checking Your Emotional Hygiene

Tags: Negativity, Power Struggles, Empath, Heavy Emotions, Manipulation, Criticism

When someone has bad breath, or a skunky body odor, you just have to back up a bit and get out of range. Well, our negative emotions can be just as offensive. Someone who is always complaining, raging, or who puts a negative spin on every circumstance, ends up alienating themselves in much the same way. There are also people who try to control others through their criticisms of them. Regardless of whether there is intent behind these behaviors, no one wants to be caught in someone’s cyclones of pain and manipulation.

Emotions are something all normal people feel in response to the ups and downs of life. They have an energy that is meant to be felt, released, and moved through, as feedback about our circumstances. They are real, and feeling them is healthy. We all vibrate according to the emotional states we are in. If we are sad, or angry, we vibrate at a very low vibration. Alternatively, if we are in holy reverence, gratitude, or feeling love, we resonate at very high vibrational frequencies. The thing is, others feel our vibration, whether we can or not.

March 02, 2015

Owning Our Emotions

Tags: Emotions, shadow, compassion

Having feelings of loss, sadness, hopelessness and fear are part of the spectrum of emotions.
While they are feelings we want to process and overcome to come back into balance, they are not "shadow" unless we put them there....
Shadow is in NOT owning them in yourself and seeing them only in someone else... and judging them for it.
Behind every judgement is a fear.
Ask yourself, instead, why the expression of these emotions scare you....

January 18, 2014

Imprints and Spiritual Materialism

Tags: Communication, compassion, Emotions, evolution, imprints, judgment, Kindness

After several recent incidents, I find myself wanting to address the difference between expressing real time emotions and having imprints or issues....

Those of us who have learned about imprints in our energy fields have realized that when these imprints are triggered we get derailed into emotions from the past. We realize that to be the best healers, or even friends, lovers and colleagues we can be, we need to look into our own selves and heal these imprint driven issues that keep us from being in the present.

December 30, 2013

Does It Really Have to Be A Drama?

Tags: Ceremony, Communication, Drama, Emotions, self respect, Shadow, Shame, Truth, Vulnerability

Looking at DRAMA and how we create it instead of speak our truth, especially when speaking our truth makes us feel vulnerable. We act out instead. We withhold, we provoke, we defy... But as Newton noticed, every action creates an equal and opposite reaction.

The problem with drama is it involves other people. The more responsible thing to do is own your feelings, work through them, look at their origin, process them in your ceremony to release them...communicate that you are doing this... and then, if necessary, speak what needs to be said, not the words that make you come out on top, but your truth. Then let balance unfold as it is meant to be. True, speaking your truth is going to create an effect as well but it usually brings you back into balance rather than further away from it. Our truth is the true North on our moral compass. Please, let's use it!

December 18, 2013

Cockroaches and Termites

Tags: awareness, Collusion, control, Ego, Emotions, evolution, Fear, Guilt, judgment, Negativity, Projection, Separation, Shadow, Shame, Truth

We are remodeling my bathroom to put in a tub (!)...but as we tore out the old nasty shower stall and uprooted the flooring we found the pipes had been leaking for years... the old wall wood was riddled with termites... and under the flooring lived a colony of cockroaches... It got me to thinking about shadow.

October 08, 2013

The “Accidental Victim”

Tags: acceptance, Anger, blame, Emotions, judgment, victim

I'm looking at our tendency to place blame and to feel guilt this morning. When things go off course from our neat and tidy plans, or when there is an "accident," we want someone to be responsible for it. It brings up primal fears about our ability to survive in an unpredictable world. We want to find fault. We want to blame someone so we can place our emotions about the disruption someplace. Or perhaps we feel guilty that we "let" let it happen, meaning we blame ourselves. The truth is, S*** happens. Usually it happens to wake us up and make us look at what is out of alignment, or to change our intended course in some way. All of that emotion, directed outward or inward, takes the form of anger as blame. It creates gulfs between people in crisis when they could be bonding over it. Can you let yourself feel the uneasiness of the situation without couching it in "blame"? Do you need to direct those emotions somewhere or can you sit with the discomfort of them?!

September 17, 2013

Colluding With Violence

Tags: Anger, Being Present, blame, Bullying, Collusion, control, Emotions, Fear, Guilt, imprints, Projection, victim, Violence

I saw a strange thing yesterday: A young guy in a Mustang whipped around a corner and hit a middle age guy in an SUV. The SUV, however, was straddling both lanes of a narrow passageway so technically he was at fault for being in the wrong lane. It was all fender bender kind of damage but adrenaline does strange things...The SUV driver came steaming out of the SUV yelling and screaming into the face of the young Mustang driver... The young guy started crying and apologizing, in total shock. He seemed totally convinced he was in the wrong... It made me think about how often we collude with bullies and people who are angry because we are so rattled by their violence.

September 15, 2013

Being At Peace

Tags: peace, acceptance, Being Present, coherence, control, Emotions, Perception, Surrender, Trust

Being at peace does not mean everything has come to a standstill. It is instead the ability to be within the motion that already exists and flow with it. The earth is spinning on its axis but because we turn with it we do not feel its motion. Imagine marching against it's rotation because you wanted to "right" the Earth's motion. So often we want to control chaos and bring it to stillness because it makes us feel uncomfortable... but to be truly at peace with chaos we need to embrace it, be right in the thick of it, not fight it. We need to feel the uncertainty it brings up in us and ride it out. Awareness brings us into coherence with our environment, it makes us one with it. Chaos is meant to be chaotic, it has its own course. To react in any way to dampen it only contributes to it.

September 12, 2013

Is it Love or An Attachment?

Tags: attachment, awareness, Emotions, Fear, Love, possessions, Scarcity

There is a difference between love and our attachments to what we love. Love is like the water in a clear spring fed pool, our attachments are us grasping at it and trying to put it in a jar. Within the jar it is safe and we know where it is; we can take it out and use it whenever we please. But when the jar breaks we believe we lost the love. We haven't. It is still all around us and we can always go back to that pool. It is only the jar that we have lost. It is our attachment to that jar that hurts. Attachment comes from the ego identifying with something and claiming ownership over it. The emotional investment of ownership is not love. The pain of losing is not love. The challenge is to love, truly love, without being attached, to swim in that pool but not need to contain it.

September 09, 2013

Those Pesky Emotions

Tags: awareness, Being Present, blame, Emotions, Shame, victim, Vulnerability

We can not control the world... only our reactions to it.
It is a prescription for victimhood to make the world responsible for our emotional well being... it very unlikely it can comply with our demands.

To remain in our power and grace we must learn to navigate our own discomfort and find ways of transmuting fear, pain and anger into understanding and compassion, creating as few ripples outward as possible.

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