May 01, 2014
Dying With Grace and Awareness
In our Western culture we have forgotten how to die. We are more focused on youthfulness and prolonging our lives. Death is something we fear and quietly sweep into the shadows. Rather than honoring our elders for their wisdom and strengths, we shuffle them off into “assisted care” facilities at the end of their days. We pay large amounts of money to keep them alive instead of listening to their stories and facilitating their transitions so they can leave with grace and dignity.
In the shamanic traditions one of the main focuses of a high shaman’s training is to die consciously. She sees death as a transition only, as a journey between dimensions. She clears herself of the heavy energies binding her essential self to her body and practices Spirit Flight many times before she takes her final one. All of us can loosen our grips on the physical this way and we can all help someone who is dying prepare for death similarly.