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January 18, 2014

Imprints and Spiritual Materialism

Tags: Communication, compassion, Emotions, evolution, imprints, judgment, Kindness

After several recent incidents, I find myself wanting to address the difference between expressing real time emotions and having imprints or issues....

Those of us who have learned about imprints in our energy fields have realized that when these imprints are triggered we get derailed into emotions from the past. We realize that to be the best healers, or even friends, lovers and colleagues we can be, we need to look into our own selves and heal these imprint driven issues that keep us from being in the present.

Because we all have limbic brains we are all designed to feel emotions in real time. Sometimes circumstances call for joy, sometimes they call for sadness. A funeral is definitely sad and most people will cry when they lose someone they love. This does not mean they have imprints. It means they are human. Unfortunately, because other peoples' sad emotions make us feel helpless and uncomfortable, we as a culture have deemed them unacceptable to show or share except in the most intimate of settings. To do so is considered a sign of weakness... In fact, scientific research has shown human tears contain large concentrations of stress hormones. To release tears is to lower the concentration of these hormones in our bodies.

Many people have put great importance on being "spiritually advanced" these days and there seems to a tendency to evaluate and judge a person's "spiritual advancement" by how imprint free they are. It is true that as you evolve spiritually you will be triggered less and live in real time more. But it is NOT true that you will no longer feel or express emotions anymore, no matter how spiritually advanced you are, when something joyful, stressful or painful happens. Because someone is crying does not mean they are "wounded." These are real time emotions. Emotions are a feedback system for our soul. If we do not know how we FEEL, we do not know how to make important decisions.

To judge someones spiritual advancement by the fact that they are experiencing real time emotions is to misunderstand spiritual advancement. The truly advanced spirit finds compassion in someone's tears, not judgement. They do not use someone else's tender moment as a platform for claiming superior spiritual standing. All this evaluation and posturing is spiritual materialism. One of the primary teachings of spiritual advancement is to step out of judgement!! There is no spiritual hierarchy. There are only degrees of compassion.

Wishing you all a beautiful day filled with... wait for it... an emotion here... JOY!

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