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Events, News - November 09, 2024

Interview with Shaman’s Directory 2024: Every Initiation Is A Death And A Rebirth

Tags: Global Summit 2024, Intitations, Shaman, Andean, Shamanic Trainng, Andean Mysticism, Energy Medicine

Listen to an interview with Christina Allen by the Shaman's Directory at their 2024 Global Summit gathering

Events - September 23, 2024

Shaman’s Directory Presents: 2024 Shaman’s Summit 10/7-10/11

Tags: Shaman's Directory, 2024 Shaman's Summit, Andean Shamanism, Mystical Shamanism, Peruvian Energy Medicine, Gatherings of Shamans, Global Fire

I am honored to be among many very renowned shamanic practioners and teachers in this year's Shaman's Summit.

News - February 08, 2024

Podcast with Jason Grechanik of The Universe Within

Tags: Shamanism, Intitations, the call to shamanism, Shamanism and Physics, inititations and neuroscience, The Q'ero tradidion, Dark Energies, choice, Andean mysticism, Psychadelics, Psychadelic Therapy, podcast, Juan Nuñez Del Prado, Joan Parisi Wilcox, Trauma

Podcast: Jason Grechanik of the Universe Within interviews Christina Allen

News - December 02, 2023

Interview of Christina Allen at Shaman’s Summit: Healing Trauma, Body, Mind, and Soul

Tags: Shamanic Training, Shaman's Directory, Global Summit, Trauma, Energy Medicine, Freeze, Shamanic Teachers, Podcast, psychadelics, psychadelic therapy, Healing

Listen to an interview with Christina Allen by the Shaman's Directory at their 2023 gathering

News - April 20, 2023

Interview with Olivia Young: Uncovering the Secret to Trauma Healing with Christina Allen!

Tags: Trauma, Energy Medicie, Shamanic Healing, Psychedelic Therapy, Reparenting, Freeze, dissociation, boundaries, consent, Soul work, psychological triggers, shadow, inner child, soul reteival, Andean Healing Arts







Live interview and conversation between Christina Allen and Olivia Young on healing from trauma using shamanic tools. 

Blog - April 12, 2023

Moving From Patience to Acceptance

Tags: Andean Healing Arts, Timelines, Surfing Timelines, Impulse, Emotional Intelligence, Atiy, patience is a virtue

It is said that patience is a virtue. By this we mean that impatience and impulsivity are things we must overcome in our journey toward emotional maturity. As children we want it all now. Yesterday even! We wind ourselves up and become anxious, we push the river, we demand! We want and we create angst in that wanting. Maturity comes in recognizing that there is a divine timing to all things. For us to get what we want, the universe has to do a lot of shuffling and reshuffling of the deck. And then, when and if the moment is right, everything lines up and it is time!

Blog - March 26, 2023

Mastay: Healing From Trauma Is A Reorganization of Your Soul

Tags: Trauma, healing, psychedelic therapy, shamanic healing, soul work

There is order to all of Creation. Think of a human body. It starts from two cells, an egg and a sperm. They come together in a single moment and then begin to organize and multiply into an array of highly differentiated cells signaling back and forth to each other, creating a complex being pulsing with life. These cells multiply and replace themselves many times through a lifetime, renewing themselves to keep the organism healthy and vibrant. This intricate ordering can be disrupted, however, and a new one can unfold. A missing, damaged, or extra chromosome, for example, can cause a mutation that results in a different form or structure. Creation is an endless process of ordering and reordering. But not all form is viable or healthy. Creation just creates. Take cancer, for example. We know that metastatic cell proliferation usually occurs in response to a stressor. The resulting mutations drive cells into reproducing themselves without check. A new order ensues but not a healthy one.

Blog - March 12, 2023

Chalay, Munay, and Ayni: How We Engage Determines The Quality of Our Relationships

Tags: Andean Mysticism, Reatonships, Juan Ñunez del Prado, love, transactional relatinships, self worth

As separate, individual, human beings in an ever unfolding Creative Universe we are all in relationship with absolutely everything outside of ourselves. In the Andean spiritual traditions everything in the created universe is made of a conscious living energy called sami. To be, is to be in relationship with all that is. How we engage in general determines how we are engaged with. With this in mind it might be worth taking a moment to stop and reflect upon how we approach being “in relationship.”

Blog - January 02, 2023

Remember Who You are!

Tags: Healing, self actualization, soul, soul work, Inka Seed, shamanism, enlightenment, bardo planes, psychedelic therapy, plant medicine

We trip over, and loop through, an internal feedback system of thought, perception, and emotion and call it our reality…. It’s quite compelling and we are often unable to see outside this thing we have created to be “me.”

News - October 22, 2022

Podcast Interview of Christina Allen by Olivia Young

Tags: Energy medicine, Default Mode network, psychadelic assisted therapy, shaman, Andean shamanism, healing, trauma, PTSD, Freeze


Olivia Young interviews Christina Allen on her work.

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