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September 08, 2013

Transferring Blame

Tags: acceptance, awareness, blame, Emotions, judgment, Negativity, Paradigm shift, Perception, Projection, Shadow, Shame, victim

We become victims when we are unwilling to sit with the discomfort of feelings that are coming up in us because of a situation we are in. It is easier to transmute the discomfort of vulnerability into blame or anger and redirect it at something outside of us.

The indisputable part of our story is our pain.

August 29, 2013

Victim Thinking

Tags: vibration, attachment, Consciousness, Emotions, Frequency, imprints, Paradigm shift, Perception, self respect, victim

When we remember that nothing is truly personal we stay out of victim thinking. No one is doing anything to us, we are just experiencing their reactions to their environment, which we may be a part of. They may even mean their reactions as personal but it has way more to do with them, their history and imprints, than it has to do with us.

August 07, 2013

Possessions and Entitlement

Tags: entitlement, Consciousness, Gratitude, Paradigm shift, Perception, possessions, Scarcity, Shadow, victim

It is interesting that so many of our laws are created around ownership. In any true spiritual sense we all own nothing but our perceptions, and many of those go unclaimed. Even our ideas are thought by many minds. If we taught people to deal with envy, jealousy, greed and fear as an essential part of their early education, our need for all these laws and the wars they precipitate would become obsolete. Take a moment today to look at how many of the things that irk you come from a sense of ownership and entitlement... Blessings on your Day!

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