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March 01, 2014

Is Your Healer a Hollow Bone?

Tags: How to choose a healer, Energy Medicine, Shamanism

Open any New Age magazine these days and you find hundreds of different ways to heal spiritually. Most of them are valid. What distinguishes one practice from the other? The practitioner. Anyone can take a weekend workshop to receive attunements or initiations but the difference in their medicine lies in how deeply they are able to hold it. As the ancient shamans knew well, healing others starts with healing yourself.

Has your healer done the deep personal work of clearing their own stories or are they seeing you through their old wounds? If you are a healer, have you removed the imprints you carry around your roles and the beliefs binding you to ancestral, cultural and karmic lineages? Have you dug up and owned your shadow pieces? If not you will forever be derailed into working the unhealed parts of yourself through your clients. Are you, for example, seeing your own divorce in your client’s current relationship dilemma? Are your scarcity issues driving you to enable your clients so they keep depending upon you? Do you collude with your client’s story because it is familiar instead of finding a new map for them?

December 01, 2013

Are you Thriving or just Re-carpeting Your Dungeon?

Tags: Coping Mechanisms, Self Empowerment, shamanism

Someone asked me recently how a shaman truly heals and why the average person would need a shaman.

“The level shamanism works at is subtle yet very profound.” I replied. “Do you have patterns in your life that re-occur over and over again?” I asked. “Are you stuck in a loop or cycles that you cannot seem to break, do you have an injury that won’t heal or a chronic illness?”

“Oh, I don’t know, not really,” he said. “Right now everything is going pretty well; you never know when that other shoe will drop, but hey, I get along OK.”

“Exactly!” I say, “There it is...!”

Embedded in the very way you see the world are limits that keep you merely coping instead of thriving. While shamans remove the imprints behind illness and injury they also work with the subtle beliefs that keep you locked into un-empowered lives. Waiting for the other shoe to drop is a coping mechanism designed to avert unmet expectations. It says things may be going well now but don’t get your hopes up, disaster is around the corner. Believing this we avoid disappointment when things go south, but woven into it is the next disaster, waiting to happen. We all have countless maps like this in our psyche shaping our lives, some personal, some handed down to us through our families.

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