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May 01, 2018

Mystical Shamanism

Tags: Michael Harner, Core Shamanism, Alberto Villoldo, Q'ero Indians, Andes Mysticism

Many people with varying trainings, lineages, or "calls from Spirit,” refer to themselves as shamans. It is hard to know who is legitimate and who is not, and what a shaman really is. In Cuzco, Peru, for example, you can find “shamans” all over town selling mystical experiences. Many have access to medicinal plants, but few have training in how to hold space for a client, or even how to speak to the medicinal plants in ceremony. There are others that say no one can call themselves a shaman or be trained as one; it is an honor only bestowed upon one by others. 

The actual word “shaman” comes from the Tungusic Evenki language of North Asia. According to anthropological documentation it is the word the Tungus, in particular, used to refer to their medicine person. Spirits inhabited their shamans, affecting others positively, and negatively, and shifting circumstances on the material plane. Some believe that this manifestation of shamanism is the only legitimate form that can claim to use the word “shaman.” Technically, they are correct, as it is a word specific to this one tribe in Siberia. Every other tribe has a different language, and therefore a different word, and each tribe’s practices also vary. While some use use spirits to do their bidding, and others do not, most tribes do have mentors helping young initiates refine their skills.

August 01, 2016

The Unforgiven: Beyond Crimes and Punishment

Tags: Forgiveness, Justice, Near Death Experiences, Scarcity, NDE

We are often bound to people we do not like, trust or respect through our grudges, fears and hatred. These are people who have hurt, rejected or abandoned us. Some crimes are personal, others hit at the hearts of our race, gender or sexuality. Some have done unthinkable things, others have just offended us. In any case we hold court in our minds and then execute  sentences that keep them forever accountable.

We know we are supposed to forgive and move on but we feel that excuses their behavior. If we stop holding our grudge, who will they answer to? Someone has to remember. If we let them off the hook how will we know they have paid for their transgressions? We punish them so we know someone has, because we fear they will do it again. This takes great energy, however, even when it is simply a dialogue in our minds.

November 01, 2015

The Rescuer

Tags: The Resuer Archetype, Healer Archetype, Wounded Healer, Shadow, Lightworkers

Many of us, with our huge hearts in hand, reach out and help our fellow beings in their struggles and times of need. While this is a natural extension of our human capacity to love and care for one another, there is an archetype called the Rescuer that is a much different animal.

The Rescuer starts off innocently enough, as someone who wants to help, but they  soon become seduced by the power of their role. When we help someone else we are in a position of strength that the other person is temporarily without. If all we do is reach in and help them stand up again, we have answered a call of service. Many of us learn early in life that by rescuing the struggling members of our dysfunctional families we feel better about ourselves. When we start doing it for personal gain, we are no longer performing a selfless action.

July 01, 2014

To Heal is to Step into Infinity

Tags: epigenetics, Healng, trancendetal healing, timelessness

When we are born we arrive as an envelope of conscious light wrapped around, and connected to, a tiny naked body. We come complete with all the basic hardware necessary for survival but it takes another 20 years or so before our brains and bodies fully develop. In that time we have, and do not have, a whole array of experiences that shape who we will become. Because they are interrelated, each experience we have creates a matrix of changes within our bodies, minds and souls.

Imagine, for example, that you are a child born to parents who are afraid of intimacy or uncomfortable holding you when you cry. Instead of picking you up and soothing you they hastily place you in a crib, walk outside and shut the door. They have even read  that this is what to do when your baby cries. Many studies have shown, however, that when a baby is held and soothed a whole cascade of genes that shape our immune and nervous systems are activated giving us high resistance to stress and illness; those genes are not activated in those who were never held, making them more prone to illness and nervous disorders in maturity.

December 15, 2013

Spiritual Materialism

Tags: attachment, Ego, possessions, Spiritual path, Surrender

Ah, Spiritual Materialism.... having the better path, the clearer connection to Spirit, the better guides... the more vivid visions, the prettier or most powerful tools the most advanced techniques, the more renowned teachers or Master Teachers... the most workshops under our belts, the most initiations by sacred orders or tribes... Knowing the most "spiritually advanced" people... That ego, it is a sneaky little monkey! "Spiritual work" without the "personal work" of learning to detach our ego from the way we connect to the Divine is not spiritual work! As Lao Tzu says, do your work and then step back...

September 15, 2013

Being At Peace

Tags: peace, acceptance, Being Present, coherence, control, Emotions, Perception, Surrender, Trust

Being at peace does not mean everything has come to a standstill. It is instead the ability to be within the motion that already exists and flow with it. The earth is spinning on its axis but because we turn with it we do not feel its motion. Imagine marching against it's rotation because you wanted to "right" the Earth's motion. So often we want to control chaos and bring it to stillness because it makes us feel uncomfortable... but to be truly at peace with chaos we need to embrace it, be right in the thick of it, not fight it. We need to feel the uncertainty it brings up in us and ride it out. Awareness brings us into coherence with our environment, it makes us one with it. Chaos is meant to be chaotic, it has its own course. To react in any way to dampen it only contributes to it.

September 06, 2013

When Lightning Strikes…

Tags: acceptance, attachment, evolution, Paradigm shift, Power, Spiritual path, Surrender

When lightning strikes a forest it chars and burns leaving huge gaping holes... But it also clears a path for more light to enter and creates space for something new to grow. We all have these moments where it feels like lightning struck out of nowhere... In these moments it is important to remember it wasn't personal and we are being given an opportunity to expand our light and grow.

July 24, 2013

Phase Locking With the Earth

Tags: vibration, awareness, coherence, Collective Consciousness, Consciousness, Frequency, Measurements, Power, Surrender

Interesting fact: The magnetic frequency of the Earth is 7.83 Hz... the same resonant frequency of the alpha wave brain state. Alpha wave consciousness is the state of deep relaxation associated with intuition. When we are in ayni with the Earth, aligning our consciousness with hers, when we are in magnetic resonant phase, we are in a place of deep intuitive openness. When we meditate we are phase locking with the earths frequency... cool stuff...

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