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September 12, 2013

Is it Love or An Attachment?

Tags: attachment, awareness, Emotions, Fear, Love, possessions, Scarcity

There is a difference between love and our attachments to what we love. Love is like the water in a clear spring fed pool, our attachments are us grasping at it and trying to put it in a jar. Within the jar it is safe and we know where it is; we can take it out and use it whenever we please. But when the jar breaks we believe we lost the love. We haven't. It is still all around us and we can always go back to that pool. It is only the jar that we have lost. It is our attachment to that jar that hurts. Attachment comes from the ego identifying with something and claiming ownership over it. The emotional investment of ownership is not love. The pain of losing is not love. The challenge is to love, truly love, without being attached, to swim in that pool but not need to contain it.

August 13, 2013

Tell Me… Who Are YOU?

Tags: coherence, Emotions, Love, Paradigm shift, Possibility, Projection, self respect, Truth

Will you be caught in the vortex of someone else's projections, and play your part because you love them or cannot bear to defy them, or can you find a stillness to stand in, waiting until the storm passes, and stay true to who you came here to be?

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