November 17, 2016
A Hopi Elder Speaks
Tags: Wisdom, Change, 11th hour, Pachakuti
Time to revisit this one...
A Hopi Elder Speaks
"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . .
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader."
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!"
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February 17, 2016
Are you loving from your wounds or from your heart?
Tags: Love, Wounding, Infinite love, Control
Are you loving from your wounds or from your heart?
Your wounds say it will never last,
they say that there is not enough,
and they say there must be something wrong with you
because there isn't...
they say this person will hurt you...
Control the objects of your affections, they say, so you are not further
Your heart says love is everywhere, in everything.
It says you do not need to hold onto it in another,
because love will never go away.
It says you may see me in the eyes of a small child today
and in the whispering of the winds tomorrow,
but I will never leave you...
Forms come and go...
let the pain from their loss, dissolve into the darkness,
the deep velvety darkness
that fills the space between moments,
the gaps between forms...
In that womb,
that exists between each ending...
And before each new beginning,
you will find it...
Love that beats like a steady base line
that pulse that comes through your heart.
January 21, 2016
Asking Permission
Tags: WIsdom, Repect, Permission, Peace
Looking at Permission
Wondering why someone would take, instead of earn, or ask for, something?
Even little things...
Even with someone we love and cherish...
Does Love mean you do not have to ask?
Looking at how it is standard in our culture to "act and apologize later..."
And how it is considered weak to say you are sorry...
How it is considered weak to ask for anything at all...
Having Respect is at the bottom of asking permission.
Somewhere we seem to have forgotten how to respect our fellow travelers,
our fellow beings...
Showing strength is somehow more important than showing respect...
What will it take for us to remember
That there is Strength in Humility?
That there is Peace in Respect?
What will it take?
What will it take for us to ask
Instead of take?
November 01, 2015
Judgement As A Form of Violence
Tags: Judgement, Violence, compassion, self development, responsibility
I am looking at the energetics of Judgement this morning...
While each judgement we entertain feels like a private thought, judgements have an aggressive energy to them that is directed outward toward the judged.
Most of us do not take responsibility for this little piece of violence that we send out into the world, thinking it is shrouded within the privacy of our own minds...
But judgement has a palpable energy, one that creates distance
And one that is felt when it is directed at you.
We all know this...
Because we have all felt it...
I'm not saying any of us have mastered the knee jerk reaction to protect ourselves by judging...
But I am asking that we all take a step back into compassion
And take responsibility for what we are putting out there.
August 07, 2015
Relationships from the Heart
Tags: Perfection, authentic relationships, forgiveness, apology, perfection
A true relationship, based on heart and soul, means showing up in all our imperfection and being open to seeing the same in another.
It means taking responsibility for our moments of weakness...
And putting down the shield of perfection and and the sword of expectation
in exchange for the apologies
and forgiveness
that come from erring.
We cannot connect deeply through our illusions and facades.
Real relationships are built on a foundation of trust.
True relationships invite our shadows to the table so they can be seen...
And forgiven.
July 21, 2015
Arrogance and Humility
Tags: Soul, Arrogance, humility, maddness
Arrogance and Humility are two rails we use to keep ourselves locked into a reality that we feel comfortable within.
It creates a resonance, or perceptive field, we filter our life experiences through.
One balances and realigns the other, bringing us back to a center that the ego has defined as its comfort range.
When we can break down this sense of self, this need to boost ourselves up but then pull back and keep in check...
And align with our eternal essence instead...
We free ourselves from this madness
and become one with all that is.
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June 04, 2015
True Mastery
Tags: Mastery, inspiration
It is the ego's grip on identifying itself that gets in the way of true Mastery and Wisdom.
The true Mystic is not a self to be identified with but a state of being.
To identify with this state as an identity creates separation, for the ego cannot accept a self without imposing edges.
Separation, however, invites doubt, second guessing and general neurosis.
The Master rides this state of being like a surfer rides a wave.
She/He does not presume to own it or barter with it for sustenance... this would be like boxing up the ocean and offering it for sale.
Ask not "what is this, who am I, what do I know...."
To do so, spits you out of the ride and onto the sandy shores...
Spread out your arms instead,
Align your heart to the rhythm of the waves...
It is not yours to own but is yours to "be."
May 29, 2015
Living From The Heart
Tags: Vulnerability, Heart, kindness
Looking at vulnerability... at allowing ourselves to be transparent.
Looking at how we mistake openness and kindness... for weakness...
Looking at our capacity for exploitation...
Looking at how we live in a world or armoring and self protection..
Looking at how far we still have to come to live from the heart.
May 26, 2015
Are You Listening Or Reacting?
Tags: Compassion, Healing, Human condition, Listening
Looking at the frailty of our human interactions... at how challenged we are to simply listen, to let someone else really sink in so we can understand them.
So often we are running what someone else says through our own filters and reacting to it instead.
So often we are looking for the opening, the way to get an upper hand, the hand grip that we can hang from to swing the interaction back to ourselves.
How often a conversation that could lead toward great connection through compassion goes astray into positioning, advice, judgement and accusation.
Do you ask questions to find out what your friend is trying to communicate, or do you make assumptions and step in to take the lead?
Do you let yourself feel what they are feeling?
Do you hold a place open for your friend to be in confusion and find their way or do you jump in with analysis or advice?
All of us are guilty of this.
At the very base this is a reminder to myself.
If it helps you remember too, so be it.
When we can listen with our hearts.. instead of our heads, we will find the connections we all so deeply want.
March 19, 2015
Change Is An Invitation
Tags: change, create, settling
As the things that no longer resonate with you fall away, resist the temptation to see a failing in it...
This is not a time for settling for what will do, it's a time to create what you want...
What you have always settled for has never truly served you...
It is time to anchor in what does!
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