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Blog - September 11, 2013


Tags: awareness, god, manifestation, Spiritual path, Trust

It doesn't matter if the person or situation in question is trustworthy. The true question is do you trust Spirit to provide for you with everything you need?

Blog - September 09, 2013

Those Pesky Emotions

Tags: awareness, Being Present, blame, Emotions, Shame, victim, Vulnerability

We can not control the world... only our reactions to it.
It is a prescription for victimhood to make the world responsible for our emotional well being... it very unlikely it can comply with our demands.

To remain in our power and grace we must learn to navigate our own discomfort and find ways of transmuting fear, pain and anger into understanding and compassion, creating as few ripples outward as possible.

Blog - September 08, 2013

Transferring Blame

Tags: acceptance, awareness, blame, Emotions, judgment, Negativity, Paradigm shift, Perception, Projection, Shadow, Shame, victim

We become victims when we are unwilling to sit with the discomfort of feelings that are coming up in us because of a situation we are in. It is easier to transmute the discomfort of vulnerability into blame or anger and redirect it at something outside of us.

The indisputable part of our story is our pain.

Blog - September 06, 2013

When Lightning Strikes…

Tags: acceptance, attachment, evolution, Paradigm shift, Power, Spiritual path, Surrender

When lightning strikes a forest it chars and burns leaving huge gaping holes... But it also clears a path for more light to enter and creates space for something new to grow. We all have these moments where it feels like lightning struck out of nowhere... In these moments it is important to remember it wasn't personal and we are being given an opportunity to expand our light and grow.

Blog - September 03, 2013

Emotions Are Part of Being A Mammal!

Tags: brain, Emotions, Shame

Emotions are the weather system of the soul. To have them is not shameful. We are designed to feel. A whole part of our brain, the limbic brain, is dedicated to producing emotional states of consciousness. Someone who is expressing emotion does not need to be "fixed" so that we can FEEL more comfortable and less helpless. This objectifies them and creates a power differential. They need, instead, to be met where they are, seen and held in our hearts....

Articles - September 01, 2013

Imprints, Bubbles and Strangers on a Bus

Tags: Imprints, Alternative Therapy, LEF, Energy Medicine

When we go from zero to one hundred on an emotional scale in seconds – over something seemingly benign like an inconsiderate driver, the indifference of a cashier, or a mildly insensitive comment from a friend, parent, sibling, or spouse – we’re not losing out monds. Or perhaps we’re caught in destructive emotional behaviors like addiction, depression, or anxiety that we seem powerless to resolve. We may feel crazy, but there’s often a very simple explanation. An imprint was activated in our energetic field.

Each of us lives within a luminous bubble, or light energy field (LEF), that surrounds our physical body. This field is fluid, sensitive and intelligent. You know you have one because when a stranger on the bus sits a little too close to you, you find yourself scooting away. In Nature this field expands out to about 3 feet in all directions from our physical body. On the bus we may pull it in within centimeters from our skin, especially if the person we are seated next to feels particularly creepy.


Blog - September 01, 2013

Bonding Through Story

When we try to create intimacy or closeness through sharing our stories and wounds we create relationships that bind us to our past. Yes, at some point the stories will be told but when they become the glue that binds us in closeness, we are creating a relationship that is aligned with our past and wounded self. These kinds of relationships can keep us from moving forward; to change our story often threatens them.

Blog - August 29, 2013

Victim Thinking

Tags: vibration, attachment, Consciousness, Emotions, Frequency, imprints, Paradigm shift, Perception, self respect, victim

When we remember that nothing is truly personal we stay out of victim thinking. No one is doing anything to us, we are just experiencing their reactions to their environment, which we may be a part of. They may even mean their reactions as personal but it has way more to do with them, their history and imprints, than it has to do with us.

Blog - August 20, 2013

Being Present

Tags: awareness, Being Present, Consciousness, Empowerment

Are you listening or are you just hearing...?
Are you connecting or are you projecting, judging and reacting...?
Are you present or are you just there?!!
We can't dance from the sidelines!!
Allow yourself to receive!
Allow yourself to give!

Allow yourself to be present

Blog - August 16, 2013

Soular Evolution

Tags: vibration, awareness, brain, Co-Creation, coherence, Collective Consciousness, Frequency, Measurements, Paradigm shift, Receptivity, Solar Flares

Here is food for thought... I just measured the slow pulse that rolls through my body every time we get irradiated by the flare debris. It is 25 cycles/min or .42 Hz. This is considered the Epsilon brain wave state and is veeeerrryyy slowwww. It is thought to be a very large amplitude wave (which is what makes it slow) that carries high frequencies, like gamma and lambda, within it. Much like radio stations stations send out large "carrier waves" with our favorite songs within them, I am suggesting we are receiving information in these very large amplitude (low frequency) pulses from the sun...

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