Blog - August 13, 2022
Falling Into The Fire
Tags: Reset, Transformation, Freeze, Trauma, Andean Healing Arts, Solstice Ceremony, The Shamanic Way

It all actually started for me when I fell into the fire on Summer Solstice of 2019. It’s been a long 3 years. I don’t know about you but I was taken down to zero. I fought it. I was not going to go down. I’m tenacious, I’m stubborn. But over and over again I got the message to let go. To die the shamn's death. And finally I did. I’m sure this happened to many of you over the COVID time-out.
I literally fell into a ceremonial fire, landed with my left hand on a log of burning embers and was apparently engulfed in flames, briefly. I heard this voice say "This is an intitation." Then came the unraveling. And the reformatting. And the alchemy. You see, at the core of this was the call for me to heal from a lifetime of what I call freeze. It’s one of the three states we can go into when events are too big to face. We run. We fight. Or we freeze. My go-to was to freeze.
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News - May 29, 2022
Live Interview with Christina Allen and the Shaman’s Directory
Tags: Andean Mysticism, Shaman's Directory, Trauma, Fight Flight and Freeze, Shamanic Healing, Fight Flight Freeze, Healing Trauma, Shamanic Training, Mystical Shamanism, Andean Healing Arts, Uvalde
See a live 2 hour interview with the Shaman's Directory and Christina Allen on on walking the Andean paq'o path and using the Andean Healing arts to heal trauma, especially Freeze.
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Blog - May 12, 2021
Cracking Open The Egg: From the Jungle to the Mountains, Integration, and Life After Psychedelics
Tags: shamanism, psychedelic therapy, Ayahuasca, Andean healing Arts, Trauma Therapy, Conscious Evolution, Integration

Psychedelic therapies are on the rise. They are being touted as healing remedies for trauma, chronic pain, and as a catalyst for for spiritual awakening. There is great hope for a sort of spiritual revolution as some of our plant allies, and even psychedelic chemical derivatives, help us to overcome our limitations and reclaim our true nature. Significant research is being done at reputable Universities such as Johns Hopkins showing the healing effects of psychedelics in trauma therapy. People are finding microdosing psilocybin more effective and with less side effects than antidepressants. Evidence suggests these plant allies have been with us since the beginning as an essential part of our healing practices. It is important to give these allies great respect, to know they are not for everyone, and it also important to understand where their job begins and where it ends.
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Blog - January 01, 2021
Does Distant Healing Work Really Work?
Do distance healing sessions work?
Yes, they most definitely do! Energetic work is not bound by space or time. I do not have to be with you physically to pull through the healing energies, track the origins of your woundings, or blocks, or to sweetly support you as you are processing your stuff. All of that CAN be done over the phone, Skype, or Zoom with deep and profound results. You just need a quiet uninterrupted space to be for 90 mins so we can dig in. With everyone home that is the real challenge of distant work these days!
Quote from a client who reluctantly accepted that her in person session must be done over the phone now: "I cannot thank you enough for yesterday's session. It was so incredibly powerful, eye opening, healing and the list goes on... My spirit feels lighter and not so heavy."
Blog - April 02, 2020
Coherence Instead Of Chaos: Find The Solution, Not The Blame
Tags: Rising Sun, Sean Connery, Victim, How can I help?, Coherence instead of Chaos
Coherence Instead of Chaos
So... as I tire of all the blaming and finger pointing, however merited it might be, I find myself, at times, watching old movies... and just as I popped into the middle of one, Sean Connery’s character in Rising Sun says the following:
“The Japanese have a saying, ‘Fix the problem, not the blame.’ Find out what's f-ed up and fix it. Nobody gets blamed. We're always after who f-ed up.”
Yes, we in the west THIVE on blame. But it is a victim perspective, and a complete waste of energy. It doesn’t solve the problem, it just creates more angst and division.
We are all in this together! Yes, mistakes have been made. Of course they have. We are all in new territory here and the learning curve is steep. We are learning from our mistakes. That is at the core of developing wisdom. No one has all the answers. We are finding them now. We must be our own authorities now instead of hoping mommy and daddy will fix it.
The way we step out of victim is by assuming our own authority. We need to be asking ourselves how can I help instead of who is to blame. We all have our spheres of influence. Ask yourself how you can help within yours. It’s the little things even... but it’s energy put in the direction of a constructive solution.
The more we unite in solving the problems, the more the angst level goes down. Angst creates chaos. When we work together for the same cause we step into unity consciousness. Unity consciousness means we step out of digging into the egoic divisions that separate us, and give us claims to being “right,” and into the collective consciousness of serving our humanity. Our humanity. Yes! OUR humanity.
This is our humanity that is at stake here. No other life form is being shaken to the core. Each of us is an aspect of that collective consciousness. Your thoughts and your actions are all part of this collective organism. We are being asked to bring our individual awareness to what we bring to the equation. And then to act consciously, responsibly, constructively...
The virus comes to us as an outside agent, as something seemingly against us, because we have not found the way to unite from the inside. We both, the virus and humanity, come from the same mind. It is trying to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, from within... until we can.
Can we not focus on peace and Unity for once? The enemy is within. The enemy is using these brilliant minds we have been given to judge and criticize, to play the eternal victim, to negate and minimize, to stratify and dominate, instead of to solve the problems at hand. It’s about frequency, vibration, and resonance. It’s about coherence!!!
Ask yourself... what can you do today to make this a better world? ❤️❤️❤️
© Chrisitna Allen, All Rights Reserved
Articles - October 01, 2019
The Empowered Empath
Tags: SuperCeptor, Empath, Picking up heavy energy, psychic overwhelm

People who are drawn to do healing work, counseling, and social work are often very empathic. They instantly feel the emotional state of another. This can be a great gift in these fields, as it helps create instant rapport, but for many this can also be a burden. We are not born knowing how to deal with the overload of all of the incoming information, nor how to sort through what is ours, and what belongs to another, we are just wired to pick it all up.
In youth an empath may not even recognize that they are different; we all assume our normal is everyone else’s. After some time, however, we find we cry easier, melt down easier, and are singled out as “overly” sensitive. Depending upon how supported we are, this “oversensitivity” can become a journey of self medicating and not fitting in. As the overload redlines our stress response capacity, our anguish often leads people uncomfortable with emotion to reject us. This, of course, affects our self esteem.
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Articles - September 01, 2019
Soul Work, the Evolution of Consciousness
Tags: Beyond shamanism, Mystical healing, shamanic soul work, Healing from the soul, magic pills

We understand, intuitively, that the soul is the deepest aspect of our being. When we have been emotionally wounded we feel it is “sick”. Sometimes this manifests as physical sickness as well. To heal our soul is not just a lighthearted jaunt though a well groomed garden, plucking dead blooms from their stocks, it is hacking through the densest, darkest, jungle to find our light again. It’s looking into the abyss of who we truly are, claiming the darkness these wounds have generated, and its reclaiming our divinity.
As our souls heal, by our transcending and integrating our dualities, they evolve. In the Andean traditions this is called increasing our state of ayni, our highest state being when we are congruent with Source. It doesn’t work to emphasize our light aspects, while burying our darkness through negation, that fuels more separation and duality. It is about taking ownership of what we externalize. Whatever we perceive happening outside is happening inside first. Perhaps we are in scarcity, for example. Were we cursed by some angry or jealous family member, or is it because we are unconsciously punishing ourselves for things we have not yet forgiven ourselves for? Perhaps we are blocking abundance because we are uncomfortable receiving, or we believe we are unworthy or undeserving. We cannot heal when we externalize these problems, putting them at the feet of others, instead of owning them.
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Articles - August 01, 2019
Doubt, the Kryptonite of the Soul
Tags: Depression, Internal voices, trauma, intuition

We need critical thinking skills. We need to be able to plan, discern, and distinguish right from wrong. All these skills come from a well developed logical mind. But that mind, when traumatized, can fold in on itself and collapse. Overbearing internal voices develop, questioning everything and derailing our simple ability to choose. We loop in circles, no longer able to find our true north. We lose our footing, our personal authority, and we find ourselves spiraling forever inward, to a place some liken to “Hell.” Others call it “depression.”
Trauma doesn’t have to be a violent affair with blood, guts, and gore, it can be a simple sense of abandonment, or chronic verbal abuse by a loved one. It makes us doubt our safety. The mind then goes into overdrive trying to secure a safe passage through the world, often by developing these cautious voices inside. Unchecked, however, they can take over and override the intuition. The intuition is our personal guidance system. It guides us from our own internalized divinity, from within our personal place of deep inner “knowing.” Once lost, the fearful mind goes unchecked and folds in upon itself.
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The Seduction of Seduction
Tags: Romantic Love, The mating game, ethical love

There is a romantic narrative in our culture about being swept off our feet and succumbing to some sublime pull from the Mystic, to be overcome, ever entwined, and enthralled... It is the theme of many a mad love story. We long to surrender our cautious minds and merge with the infinite world of our hearts, if only we could. It’s hard to put your finger on it but there is something sexy about seduction, about someone pulling us into compliance, oblivion, about the surrender of our will to an infinite One...
It is almost as if we come preprogramed for it, and perhaps we do. Who hasn’t felt a biological attraction to someone who really does not have long term partner potential. When we have been seduced by someone we find compelling, we feel transfixed, taken under their spell, pulled in beyond our control, charmed. Perhaps our innate biology has embedded within it this override button that says “To heck with it, YES!” Perhaps this is how we have continued to exist as a species... seduction, the ultimate mating enigma, creating endless strains of biological diversity. For many there is something magical and intoxicating about this. We will override our morals and ethics to comply. We give up our riches and our bodies, our marriages, our minds, even our hearts. It is a strange phenomena indeed.
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Expansion, Integration, Contraction, Repeat.
Tags: Plant Medicine, Integration, Spiritual Enlightenment, Inner Child work

We set out for most destinations hoping to reach them directly, without inconvenience. On our spiritual journeys, however, we climb many steep aspirational mountains, hack through tangled interpersonal jungles, and descend down into the depths of our internal fog laden valleys, before we finally find the peace we are looking for. The spiritual journey is not actually one of destination, so much as it is a painstaking iterative process of refinement, the rugged but delicate unfolding of mighty wings, the pure evolution of the soul. For those of us in a time crunch, it seems to take an eternity. But that is just it, the soul knows not the limits of space and time. In fact, many believe that is why we take form, to learn from the causality of the three dimensional world. If there are no walls to bang into, no feelings to hurt, how will we develop the strengths it takes to evolve?
This is a path where we realize the expansiveness of our divinity within the limits of our humanity. In our expansive moments we open up and all is possible. We see where we have hobbled ourselves. We see our fears for what they are, simply phantoms rattling the chains of ancient thought: the fears of our ancestors, our culture, and thoughts we have put in place as children to feel safe. As we start to see through our them, and dismantle our defensiveness, all is good, all is forgiven! We are divine light, we have finally come home. It all feels so good... until it all happens again...
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