Austin Shamanic Center is a safe, compassionate resource for stepping into your self actualization, opening the door for you to claim your very best self. We help people heal from trauma, abuse, and a multitude of unconscious blocks that impede their healthy self expression. At the personal level we do this with with Andean based energy healing, personal in depth transformation ceremonies, and through spiritual mentorships and integration.
For those ready to explore a life-path for actualizing their core self and developing it, we offer the journey of the paqo, or mystical shaman, to anyone wanting to dig in and become a more conscious being. The Andean paqo path is one of realizing there are seven levels of personal power and consciousness called the qanchispatañan available to us all, and most of us are floundering at the third. Here is a way to step up the qanchispatañan and evolve in this lifetime!
If you are interested in working professionally with clients on their trauma, we have a one year (plus one year of prerequisites) training in the advanced shamanic healing arts. The principle behind all these teachings and healings is that at the core we are all energetic beings, or souls, engaged in the challenge of living a very physical existence, in a very human body. Most of us hit snags along the way that create wounds and fears that imprint our psyche or soul, hindering our ability to thrive. We struggle with looping in destructive patterning and limiting beliefs and dysregulated emotions until we can finally find our way out. Most of the underpinnings to our suffering are unconscious, so they are unaccessible to us. Eventually all this unresolved inner turmoil can lead to physical illness.
Past woundings left unresolved tend to warp our perceptions, making us see through the eyes of our pain, even when we are no longer conscious of it. We simply see the results of our dysfunction. When we can clear ourselves of the repressed emotions that keep us locked in past stories, and the energetic sludge they generate, we can then dismantle the limiting beliefs and dysfunctional coping mechanisms that have kept us confined to living safe but lifeless lives. As we clear on all four levels, physically, emotionally, psychically, and energetically, we become more conscious, start to perceive the world differently, and we begin to thrive. We can then fine tune our intuitions, hone our innate perceptions, and reclaim our personal power and integrity. This journey of awakening our core self, or Inka seed, and raising our soul consciousness is the basis of all shamanic healing at ASC. To go deeper and advance up the qanchispatañan, or seven steps of consciousness, is the invitation we extend to anyone willing to participate in evolving not only themselves but the human collective!
Where to start:
There are many paths up the mountain at ASC, and all of them are focused, and offered, in a professional context. You can begin your journey with listening to some of Christina's podcast interviews. if those call you then you can book one-on-one healings and mentoring, or you can take either of the introductory workshops we offer: the Online Introduction to Andean Mysticism workshop, open to anyone wanting just a taste of the shamanic wisdom we teach at ASC, and the SuperCeptor workshop, for people who are innately sensitive to energies and psychic disturbances. Neither of these require prerequisites.
Going Deeper:
For those of you ready to jump in the pool and swim, we have the Andean Foundation Training (AFT) series, a 2 month online program of self development work, creating spiritual alliances, energetic healing practices, and initiations. It is the path of the Andean Paq’o (shaman) as taught to anthropologist Juan Nuñez del Prado through his 13 years of study with three Andean Master teachers. Through a series of teachings, energetic practices and initiations we explore three complimentary paths, the Paña, Chaupi, and Lloq’e. Taking this series provides the foundational understanding necessary to progress to all the other more advanced classes we offer, both online and in Austin Texas.
The AFT is online, but this is actually an efficient way for you to learn this bulk of information quickly so we can then expand into it, both in person and online. This series does require time and commitment, so it appeals to those of you who are serious and want to go deep. You do not have to be a healer, it is a spiritual path of conscious evolution for anyone looking for a deeper connection with Nature and the origins of creation. It is a great core or base set of teachings for anyone who has spent time in ceremony and wants to understand the Andean Cosmovision informing the Peruvian based ceremonies they have taken part in. It is also the foundation work for our many other classes, both local to Austin and online, and for our professional EMC classes.
Christina Allen also co-teaches the Inner Tawantin, an advanced paqo class series all about actualizing yourself, with Joan Parisi Wilcox.
For those who have completed the Andean Foundation Training and want to become professional healers, consider our premier Energy Medicine Certification program. This is an intensive set of online set of courses that draw on the Andean Energy practices in the AFT series and then blend it with current psychological concepts, cutting edge trauma neuroscience, breath work, somatic release, and other shamanic practices to help the client truly heal. This blend amplifies the traditional Andean energy medicine work and accelerates healing by effectively transcending the fear locked mind, allowing for expansion, neurological reset, somatic release, and integration work, within one session. The result is deep healing from trauma, abuse, and other forms of dysfunction that have been resistant to talk therapy, and often times the opening for physical healing that had remained illusive. All classes are high caliper and rigorous, exploring the basis of trauma and and applying shamanic techniques to transcend dysfunction neuropathways and reset the energetics of the troubled soul.
Step Into The Magic:
The Andean paq'os, or shamans, of Peru use the word “Ayni,” or “right relationship,” when they speak of restoring harmony. Bringing things into ayni is the basis for all healing and it is a measure of our Soul Consciousness. When we are in a high state of ayni we are more congruent with Source Consciousness, rain falls where it is needed, friends call when we are blue, and our ailing minds and bodies heal. As we become psychically clear and energetically restored, we reclaim our personal radiance, and miracles happen in our worlds!