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March 01, 2017

Many Worlds: Timelines And Destinies

Tags: Many Worlds Theory, Paul Davies, Fate and Destiny, Timelines

Here we are, at a crossroads in history! How did we get here, and where do we go from here? These are the questions many of us are asking ourselves these days. To begin with, we are each on a timeline heading out toward a future outcome. These individual timelines are directed by our personal choices, but as a whole, they create a collective timeline as well.

There is a difference between fate and destiny, however. Fate is the default destination of our lives. It is the result of the tangle of unconscious choices we have already made. Many of these choices are even the legacies of our ancestors before us. Like a bowling ball barreling down the lane, our lives have momentum in a certain direction, based on every decision we have ever made. When those choices are fueled by fears, or past trauma, they funnel us into a fate defined by those parameters. If I make a choice to keep you happy, for example, because I, like my mother before me, fear being alone, I have chosen a world where my happiness is now contingent upon yours. Further, from this place I will only attract people into my life who are never satisfied, and believe it is my duty to keep them happy, so I  continue to act out this drama. This is the “world” I have chosen to live in. As long as I have this fear, this is my fate. Destinies, on the other hand, are chosen consciously. They require addressing the fears and imprints that keep us in these redundant default pathways, and making conscious choices to step free of them, instead.

May 01, 2015

Is It Fate Calling You Or Your Destiny?

Tags: Fate, Destiny, Soul maps, Dreaming

Just as the stars light up the sky, defining it spatially, every significant place you have ever been, emotionally and karmically, defines you, telling us who you are by where you have been. Through new experiences we are given the opportunity to learn and evolve but many of us defer to our old maps because we know the territory. When we do not learn from our experiences, and transcend them, we develop themes that create little eddies in the flow of our lifetimes, little black holes on our maps that draw us in, over and over again, until we have learned their lessons. When we are caught in these vortices our lives becomes dull and fated, as if we are caught on a hamster wheel, running but going nowhere.  Our souls do not come through to repeat the same old tired dance steps, however, they are driven to evolve past who we have been, into who we are becoming. They come through with a purpose, they want to align with the highest destiny they can hold.

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