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October 01, 2015

Who Is Driving This Bus Anyway?

Tags: Ego, spirirual materialism, Type A spirituality, Spiritual discipline, Soul Consciousness

Many of us have profound connections to the Divine. Some people hear guides, some channel and some just “know“ things. It is brilliant and exhilarating to actually receive messages from the Divine! It is important to know the voice of your ego too, however, for your individual consciousness has a sneaky way of trying to jump in and steer that bus!

As any spiritual disciple knows, the first stumbling block on the journey to genuine connection is the individual consciousness or ego. In fact, it is probably the only real obstacle in our path. Many try to stamp out their egos, or deny them, in an attempt to make that connection clearer but the ego isn’t going anywhere! It is the part of us that oversees the day to day operations of our survival on the planet, part of the software that comes with the body. Its job is to identify with the things that will insure our success and survival. It defines itself by roles, gender, race, job, birth order, etc. It also evaluates its standing and rank in any environment in an effort to find the niche it can survive in best. In fact, when it retracts from its duties we find ourselves feeling lost and depressed.

August 01, 2015

Listening Trees and Talking Sticks

Tags: Indiginous, Plant Consciousness, Sacred Circles, Fairy Rings, Authentic Communication

There is a tradition in some indigenous cultures where a Talking Stick is passed around in a circle. As each person has the stick they are invited to speak, uninterrupted, for a brief period of time. So often when we speak we are met with unsolicited, fix-it help, or someone jumping in to tell their own story, as they need to be heard as well. The Talking Stick practice teaches others in the group how to listen, fully and respectfully, and for the person holding the stick it is an opportunity to feel truly heard.

Talking Stick traditions have implicit within them the quiet listening nature of a tree. Yes, trees listen too. Trees listen, communicate and react. Many people discount plant consciousness because plants do not have a central nervous systems, as animals do. Trees, however, have energy fields, with chakras, just like every other living thing. They pull in information about the world around them through these chakras and covert the information into electrical signals, just like we do. Research shows they communicate with each other as well, through the mutual release of pheromones.

January 01, 2015

Creating New Paradigms By Aligning With The Soul

Tags: Ceremony, mythic, Healing, Albert Einstein, Consciousness

Are you wanting to change things up this year? Ready to make a big shift? Well, telling yourself you want to change is often not enough. Our immediate sense of self, and the world we live in, is created by living through our experiences, and then filtering them through the mind. We each live in a movie of our own making created out of our beliefs and coping mechanisms. We may try deleting scenes and hiring new actors, but we are still stuck living out themes and roles from our past. Until we can shift out of the old fear based paradigms that are hardwired into our brains we will continue to relive our past into our future. If we want to truly change, we must work at a level beyond the mind’s wish to do so. As Albert Einstein is often quoted as saying “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

August 29, 2013

Victim Thinking

Tags: vibration, attachment, Consciousness, Emotions, Frequency, imprints, Paradigm shift, Perception, self respect, victim

When we remember that nothing is truly personal we stay out of victim thinking. No one is doing anything to us, we are just experiencing their reactions to their environment, which we may be a part of. They may even mean their reactions as personal but it has way more to do with them, their history and imprints, than it has to do with us.

August 20, 2013

Being Present

Tags: awareness, Being Present, Consciousness, Empowerment

Are you listening or are you just hearing...?
Are you connecting or are you projecting, judging and reacting...?
Are you present or are you just there?!!
We can't dance from the sidelines!!
Allow yourself to receive!
Allow yourself to give!

Allow yourself to be present

August 16, 2013

Soular Evolution

Tags: vibration, awareness, brain, Co-Creation, coherence, Collective Consciousness, Frequency, Measurements, Paradigm shift, Receptivity, Solar Flares

Here is food for thought... I just measured the slow pulse that rolls through my body every time we get irradiated by the flare debris. It is 25 cycles/min or .42 Hz. This is considered the Epsilon brain wave state and is veeeerrryyy slowwww. It is thought to be a very large amplitude wave (which is what makes it slow) that carries high frequencies, like gamma and lambda, within it. Much like radio stations stations send out large "carrier waves" with our favorite songs within them, I am suggesting we are receiving information in these very large amplitude (low frequency) pulses from the sun...

August 07, 2013

Possessions and Entitlement

Tags: entitlement, Consciousness, Gratitude, Paradigm shift, Perception, possessions, Scarcity, Shadow, victim

It is interesting that so many of our laws are created around ownership. In any true spiritual sense we all own nothing but our perceptions, and many of those go unclaimed. Even our ideas are thought by many minds. If we taught people to deal with envy, jealousy, greed and fear as an essential part of their early education, our need for all these laws and the wars they precipitate would become obsolete. Take a moment today to look at how many of the things that irk you come from a sense of ownership and entitlement... Blessings on your Day!

July 24, 2013

Phase Locking With the Earth

Tags: vibration, awareness, coherence, Collective Consciousness, Consciousness, Frequency, Measurements, Power, Surrender

Interesting fact: The magnetic frequency of the Earth is 7.83 Hz... the same resonant frequency of the alpha wave brain state. Alpha wave consciousness is the state of deep relaxation associated with intuition. When we are in ayni with the Earth, aligning our consciousness with hers, when we are in magnetic resonant phase, we are in a place of deep intuitive openness. When we meditate we are phase locking with the earths frequency... cool stuff...

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