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March 19, 2015

Beginners Mind

Tags: Relationships, judgement, limitaions

When we hold someone in judgement, they can be nothing other than that to us until we release that judgement.
We create a whole world of dynamics this way... most of which are rooted in our experience with the past, not our present reality.
Open up your heart, open up your mind.
Let yourself be surprised by what is, instead of bound by the limitations of your past interactions... and your resulting expectations.

March 19, 2015

Authentic Relationships

Tags: Truth, relationships, authenticity

Authenticity and Intimacy are two things most of us want in a relationship... Yet this is often a thin edge to balance upon.
In the name of truth, we may say things we thought needed to be said...
But in saying them the other person shuts down, creating distance instead of intimacy...
Or we can create a huge gulf by not sharing something that needs to be said...
Is there truly peace in that silence?
It is such a tricky divide between any two beings.
The souls so want to reach out and connect... and the egos so need to protect and divide...
Ah, the dance of being human....

March 02, 2015

Owning Our Emotions

Tags: Emotions, shadow, compassion

Having feelings of loss, sadness, hopelessness and fear are part of the spectrum of emotions.
While they are feelings we want to process and overcome to come back into balance, they are not "shadow" unless we put them there....
Shadow is in NOT owning them in yourself and seeing them only in someone else... and judging them for it.
Behind every judgement is a fear.
Ask yourself, instead, why the expression of these emotions scare you....

March 02, 2015

Remembering Who We Are

Tags: Energetic Constructs, Wars, Self identity

We need Structure to interact with the Energetic, consciously.

We need to stuff it into bodies, words, concepts and institutions so we can move it around and touch it, feel it, think it...
We use archetypes to contain its many nuances and words to hold its many meanings....
We live in bodies to experience it... and create institutions to connect with it.

Ultimately, however, all these constructs are is just scaffolding, containers for Source. It is what is IN the pot that is most interesting... not the pot itself....

To argue about the validity of the structure, the color of it, its gender, or the details around how to use it properly is to lose sight the forest for the trees.

And yet, so many wars are waged around these differences... personal wars, religious wars, gender wars, race wars...

We need to remember to align with what is inside the pot instead of identifying with the kind of pot that best contains it...
It is not the lips that make a kiss...
We need to remember who we are.

August 18, 2014

Are You Making This Up?

Tags: projection, magic, perception

Are you perceiving or projecting...?
Are you using Judgement or Discernment?

It is the difference between receiving information... and manufacturing it...
Between drawing it in and containing it verses creating it and propagating it out...

So often we preempt our intuition through the use of our minds and words... To not know, makes us feel vulnerable... So we choose to overlay what we do know, onto the unfamiliar.

But in this way we never grow.
We just march over the same old ground and in it familiarity, beat our chests claiming our prowess.

From Not-Knowing we join in the mystery as it is ever unfolding before us...
Within us...

To not know is open the intuition to true knowing...

June 23, 2014

Upgrading “Praying”

Tags: Pray, co-creation, self empowerment, suffering, jesus, manifesting

Looking at an upgrade in the way we "pray," something more empowering than waiting for the Big Guy to pick up the phone... There is a quote from the bible that says only drowning men can see him (Jesus)... What if we all have the power to manifest and we do not have to put this power in the hands of someone more... enlightened... than ourselves... What if we do not need to be drowning to see God? What if we do the personal work that keeps us stuck in lack and limitations... and then find, and hold, the vision of what we want instead... what if we consciously co-create what our heart desires instead of waiting for someone else to "save" us...? That God you are praying to... is within you too! What if praying is now tapping into the part of the Creative Force within you and manifesting what you need from there... it saves a whole lot of suffering... just saying...

June 10, 2014

Many Kinds of Truth

Tags: truth, inference, assumption

There are many kinds of truths but the ones that are derived by inference and assumption are creations of our mind. Sometimes they are true and sometimes they are not.

June 10, 2014

The Walls Of Protection

Tags: Isolation, fear, us vs them, True Self

The walls we build around ourselves are the walls that keep us in fear and isolation. They create the illusion of an us... and them... and fill the trenches between the two with fear. Ask yourself what you are protecting by erecting them... chances are it is only a phantom image of your true self, a wisp of smoke caught in a mirror... Your True Self is a part of the whole, it is both the us and the them.

May 29, 2014

Tune in to Intention Radio Tonight!

Tags: Energy Medicine, Intention Radio

What is Energy Medicine? Tonight we will be talking with a modern day Shaman on her perspectives on health, illness, recovery, dying and death. She has much to say and is a wonderfully grounded and practical healer. Tune in to our interesting dive into her world. Click here to hear the interview.

April 11, 2014

Your Mind Is Not the Path to Your Soul

Tags: Ego, evolution, Intellect, Love, Spiritual path, Thought

Trying to navigate our spiritual development through our intellect is like trying to teach a fish to ride a bicycle! In fact, it is our intellect that gets in the WAY of our spiritual development by shoving our lessons into shadow and trying to "claim" spiritual prowess without having done the work.
When we come, instead, from the compassion of the heart, we bypass the ego's claim on victory and align with the truthfulness of the soul.

It is here that our deepest work is done.

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