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Posts from December, 2013

December 15, 2013

Spiritual Materialism

Tags: attachment, Ego, possessions, Spiritual path, Surrender

Ah, Spiritual Materialism.... having the better path, the clearer connection to Spirit, the better guides... the more vivid visions, the prettier or most powerful tools the most advanced techniques, the more renowned teachers or Master Teachers... the most workshops under our belts, the most initiations by sacred orders or tribes... Knowing the most "spiritually advanced" people... That ego, it is a sneaky little monkey! "Spiritual work" without the "personal work" of learning to detach our ego from the way we connect to the Divine is not spiritual work! As Lao Tzu says, do your work and then step back...

December 08, 2013

The Shame of Imperfection

Tags: acceptance, awareness, blame, Empowerment, judgment, Shadow, Shame, victim, Vulnerability

Reflecting on the great shame our culture asks us to feel about not being perfect...So many crimes against self, and others, start here. The crimes of self include not recognizing our own imperfections as our medicine. As Lao Tzu reminds us, true perfection seems imperfect, yet it is perfectly itself... but we are taught early that if we don't align with arbitrary standards we should be punished or feel shame.

The crimes against others shows up as seeing our own unowned "perfection" in others and resenting them for having it. When we stop seeing our imperfections as flaws and can instead see them more like the way the addition of lead to glass creates beautiful crystal, we can dance in the light our prisms shine instead of hide in its shadows.

December 04, 2013

Who Is Keeping Score?

Tags: acceptance, awareness, blame, Empowerment, forgiveness, Love, Shame

The Creative Force creates always from a neutral place of Love... It is not punitive, it does not punish us for past deeds...
Instead it is we who punish ourselves... It is we who interpret things "going awry" as punishment... In fact, these are just moments for growth and evolution, no more, no less...

And it is we who perceive others' actions as punishment when we feel less than... because we have been taught to live in shame...The shame that comes from the sense of punishment has long been used to control people. Doesn't our cultural mythos say we were all born to "original sin"? This creates an uphill battle for salvation from the get go... It creates a person who is easily manipulated by shame... When we can accept circumstances without overlaying cultural morality onto them then the focus shifts to awareness and responsibility. Yes, karma exists... but WE create it, good and bad...Be responsible for your actions. Be aware of how your actions affect others. Forgive. Forgive others and forgive yourself. No one else is keeping score!

December 02, 2013

Control Your Vision, Not Your Neighbor!

Tags: control, Empowerment, Faith, manifestation, Negativity, Perception, Possibility, Trust

It is not ours to control the thoughts and actions of another. It is ours to trust in, and envision, the highest outcome.

December 01, 2013

Are you Thriving or just Re-carpeting Your Dungeon?

Tags: Coping Mechanisms, Self Empowerment, shamanism

Someone asked me recently how a shaman truly heals and why the average person would need a shaman.

“The level shamanism works at is subtle yet very profound.” I replied. “Do you have patterns in your life that re-occur over and over again?” I asked. “Are you stuck in a loop or cycles that you cannot seem to break, do you have an injury that won’t heal or a chronic illness?”

“Oh, I don’t know, not really,” he said. “Right now everything is going pretty well; you never know when that other shoe will drop, but hey, I get along OK.”

“Exactly!” I say, “There it is...!”

Embedded in the very way you see the world are limits that keep you merely coping instead of thriving. While shamans remove the imprints behind illness and injury they also work with the subtle beliefs that keep you locked into un-empowered lives. Waiting for the other shoe to drop is a coping mechanism designed to avert unmet expectations. It says things may be going well now but don’t get your hopes up, disaster is around the corner. Believing this we avoid disappointment when things go south, but woven into it is the next disaster, waiting to happen. We all have countless maps like this in our psyche shaping our lives, some personal, some handed down to us through our families.

Posts from November, 2013

November 13, 2013

Authentic Self Love

Tags: acceptance, control, Empowerment, judgment, Love, self respect, Shame, Truth

It can be painful to see the subversive plots we lay to attract attention and love... When we are still hiding it from ourselves we will have this undercurrent of self loathing... because our higher self wants to be authentic and we know we can't respect ourselves for being inauthentic. This keeps us looking outside ourselves for the validation we know we can't give ourselves yet... and the cycle continues... But when we see our grand schemes for what they are, wanting to be loved, and when we can own them, we can drop the subversive behavior that sickens us about ourselves. In the end we find we love ourselves much more because we are authentic, and we can then look to others for it much less...

November 12, 2013

What You Deserve

Tags: entitlement, awareness, blame, Ego, Empowerment, self respect, Shame, victim, Withholding

Reflecting on the concept of deserving... My question is this, Who is keeping score? Who decides if in fact we do deserve something or not?! The whole concept of deserving is based entirely on a tally our ego keeps. None of it is real. We all deserve the moon! It reminds me of the concept that if we are good we will go to heaven. The rewards for living a good life are a good life, not some external pat on the back. And if we do deserve something... that implies someone else may not... What is that about?!
"No, I am sorry, you cannot have that... you do not deserve it"??? WTH?! Are we in kindergarten here?
And what if we 'don't deserve' something... He 'didn't deserve to be treated that way'... Again, who is keeping score? Stuff happens... the concept of deserving it makes it personal when in fact the unfolding of the universe is... just that... There is nothing personal about it.

November 01, 2013

Unwinding Unconscious Beliefs

Tags: Shadow, Carl Jung, Unconscious Beliefs, Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction tells us we attract what we think. Many of us go to great lengths to think positively, intending to attract that perfect someone, job, car or house – but when we have unconscious limiting beliefs running beneath the surface of our conscious ones, they derail our positive intentions. We can tell ourselves we matter and deserve the very best but if we have unconscious programs from childhood lurking in the shadows, telling us we are bad, undeserving, forever a victim or must be punished, we can chant affirmations until the cows come home but we won’t manifest our dreams.

Pioneering psychologist, Carl Jung, termed the parts of ourselves, good and bad, that lay unclaimed within us as “shadow.”  Our limited and unconscious beliefs act as the chains that bind these parts and keep them hidden, even from ourselves. The only way we see them is if we project them outward onto other people and circumstances. Because we cannot see them it is very difficult to access and heal these parts without help. We know they are there, however, because we are locked into destructive patterns and illnesses, unable to claim who we want to be.

Posts from October, 2013

October 30, 2013

The Withholder’s Drama

Tags: control, Empowerment, Negativity, Power, Scarcity, self respect, Shadow, victim, Withholding

The Withholder's power lies in the drama WE create in response to their withdrawal. Our reaction, in their minds, then further justifies their actions. Can you resist the bait of taking their actions personally? Do you really need to indulge in high drama...? Usually when we do, abandonment and rejection are part of our old stories. When we do our personal work around these issues then a Withholder is just that... someone left standing there holding onto the ball they took out of play.

October 27, 2013

Dealing With Shadow Elements In Another

Tags: compassion, Empowerment, forgiveness, Gratitude, imprints, Negativity, Shadow

Reflecting on how to navigate the emotions that arise when dealing with another person's shadow actions. We all have things we cannot see in shadow, things that, if they are not brought to light, can come out and nip at others when we least expect it. Being on the receiving end can hurt and/or make us angry, but often the other person does not even know they are doing it. Forgiveness, compassion and gratitude are the high vibration emotions that take us out of defensive positions and put us in that more mythic, Hummingbird state, allowing us to rise out of the muck of being hurt. An eye-for-an-eye begets another eye... Compassion, for you know you have done it too... and Forgiveness, allow us to drop it and move into neutrality and joy again.

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