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Posts from July, 2014

July 01, 2014

To Heal is to Step into Infinity

Tags: epigenetics, Healng, trancendetal healing, timelessness

When we are born we arrive as an envelope of conscious light wrapped around, and connected to, a tiny naked body. We come complete with all the basic hardware necessary for survival but it takes another 20 years or so before our brains and bodies fully develop. In that time we have, and do not have, a whole array of experiences that shape who we will become. Because they are interrelated, each experience we have creates a matrix of changes within our bodies, minds and souls.

Imagine, for example, that you are a child born to parents who are afraid of intimacy or uncomfortable holding you when you cry. Instead of picking you up and soothing you they hastily place you in a crib, walk outside and shut the door. They have even read  that this is what to do when your baby cries. Many studies have shown, however, that when a baby is held and soothed a whole cascade of genes that shape our immune and nervous systems are activated giving us high resistance to stress and illness; those genes are not activated in those who were never held, making them more prone to illness and nervous disorders in maturity.

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