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Posts from June, 2014

June 23, 2014

Upgrading “Praying”

Tags: Pray, co-creation, self empowerment, suffering, jesus, manifesting

Looking at an upgrade in the way we "pray," something more empowering than waiting for the Big Guy to pick up the phone... There is a quote from the bible that says only drowning men can see him (Jesus)... What if we all have the power to manifest and we do not have to put this power in the hands of someone more... enlightened... than ourselves... What if we do not need to be drowning to see God? What if we do the personal work that keeps us stuck in lack and limitations... and then find, and hold, the vision of what we want instead... what if we consciously co-create what our heart desires instead of waiting for someone else to "save" us...? That God you are praying to... is within you too! What if praying is now tapping into the part of the Creative Force within you and manifesting what you need from there... it saves a whole lot of suffering... just saying...

June 10, 2014

Many Kinds of Truth

Tags: truth, inference, assumption

There are many kinds of truths but the ones that are derived by inference and assumption are creations of our mind. Sometimes they are true and sometimes they are not.

June 10, 2014

The Walls Of Protection

Tags: Isolation, fear, us vs them, True Self

The walls we build around ourselves are the walls that keep us in fear and isolation. They create the illusion of an us... and them... and fill the trenches between the two with fear. Ask yourself what you are protecting by erecting them... chances are it is only a phantom image of your true self, a wisp of smoke caught in a mirror... Your True Self is a part of the whole, it is both the us and the them.

June 01, 2014

The Nine Rites: Ancient Initiations and Protections for a Modern World

Tags: Nine rites, Munay ki, q'ero, initiations

Imagine yourself standing at the base of a steep, rugged, snow capped mountain deep in the heart of the Andes. A small sturdy woman in a brightly colored poncho has you kneel as she plunks you on the head with her Mesa, a stone filled medicine bundle. You wince because she is not gentle and exhale a puff of steam into the chilly air. She looks into the sky and calls out in Quechua, her native tongue, then thrusts her stones into your shoulders, heart and belly. She draws your face to hers and says a few more words, then pulls your forehead into hers. You feel an electric energy arc from her third eye to yours and you melt into her. You see a flash of colors, then visions of ancient peoples from all over the world connected through these rites. Tears start to stream down your face. You have just received one of the Nine Rites that link you to the Wisdom Keepers of this land and you have the sense that you are finally home.

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