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Posts from October, 2013

October 30, 2013

The Withholder’s Drama

Tags: control, Empowerment, Negativity, Power, Scarcity, self respect, Shadow, victim, Withholding

The Withholder's power lies in the drama WE create in response to their withdrawal. Our reaction, in their minds, then further justifies their actions. Can you resist the bait of taking their actions personally? Do you really need to indulge in high drama...? Usually when we do, abandonment and rejection are part of our old stories. When we do our personal work around these issues then a Withholder is just that... someone left standing there holding onto the ball they took out of play.

October 27, 2013

Dealing With Shadow Elements In Another

Tags: compassion, Empowerment, forgiveness, Gratitude, imprints, Negativity, Shadow

Reflecting on how to navigate the emotions that arise when dealing with another person's shadow actions. We all have things we cannot see in shadow, things that, if they are not brought to light, can come out and nip at others when we least expect it. Being on the receiving end can hurt and/or make us angry, but often the other person does not even know they are doing it. Forgiveness, compassion and gratitude are the high vibration emotions that take us out of defensive positions and put us in that more mythic, Hummingbird state, allowing us to rise out of the muck of being hurt. An eye-for-an-eye begets another eye... Compassion, for you know you have done it too... and Forgiveness, allow us to drop it and move into neutrality and joy again.

October 22, 2013

Making Friends With The Ego

Tags: awareness, Ego, Empowerment, Shadow

Thinking about ego this morning and how to embrace it. Some people misguidedly think if they suppress their ego, knock it down and sit on it, they are being more spiritually "advanced," which is really the ego's backhanded way of coming out on top again... The ego has an agenda, to succeed, to survive, to be number one. We all have one. It isn't going away... It is the one who gets us up in the morning and says "let's do this again!" Instead of squashing this voice and have it become some kind of demon lurking in the shadows we want to embrace it... listen to it like we listen to a two year old. Love it. Thank it... and not act on its voice until we know where our actions are truly coming from.

October 18, 2013

Loyalty And Selfishness

Tags: Selfishness, Empowerment, Loyalty, self respect

Thinking about the Q'ero word "ayni" today and how that relates to loyalty. Ayni means right-relationship, harmony or balance... When we are loyal to others, over ourselves, when we are more concerned about their hurt feelings than being true to ourselves, we are not in ayni. There is a difference between being loyal to one's self and being selfish. Selfishness is usually rooted in fear and scarcity. It comes from a sense of lack...Loyalty to self is listening to your higher self, the intuitive part looking out for your highest good.
As much as we think we are being honorable and selfless by putting another's feelings first, we hurt ourselves when we do not honor our inner voices first. Our Judeo-Christian ethos is based on martyrdom so putting our voices and needs aside to please another "feels" like the right thing to do... But ultimately we are telling ourselves "You are less important that this other person." You are not!!

October 08, 2013

The “Accidental Victim”

Tags: acceptance, Anger, blame, Emotions, judgment, victim

I'm looking at our tendency to place blame and to feel guilt this morning. When things go off course from our neat and tidy plans, or when there is an "accident," we want someone to be responsible for it. It brings up primal fears about our ability to survive in an unpredictable world. We want to find fault. We want to blame someone so we can place our emotions about the disruption someplace. Or perhaps we feel guilty that we "let" let it happen, meaning we blame ourselves. The truth is, S*** happens. Usually it happens to wake us up and make us look at what is out of alignment, or to change our intended course in some way. All of that emotion, directed outward or inward, takes the form of anger as blame. It creates gulfs between people in crisis when they could be bonding over it. Can you let yourself feel the uneasiness of the situation without couching it in "blame"? Do you need to direct those emotions somewhere or can you sit with the discomfort of them?!

October 01, 2013

Surfing The Quantum Field

Tags: Quantum Healing, Energy Medicine, Star Trek

Remember when Bones from the 1960’s Star Trek used to run a little scanner over his patients? Not only would he know what was wrong with them, but the scanner instantly fixed the problem – healing happened quickly and miraculously. We all thought, “Yeah, this is the future of medicine!” Instead, we stayed mired in the rigidness of Newtonian physics. By this I mean our biomedical research has been focusing on causes and effects not possibilities! We built larger more expensive machines to detect and analyze our symptoms and created stronger target specific medicines to relieve them. But this is all cause and effect thinking. If we want to radically change the way we do medicine we need to step out of fate and into the Quantum Age. Instead of looking at patients like Isaac Newton would, as rigid predictable statistics, doctors could be thinking like quantum physicists and realizing our future has many possible outcomes. The shamans of old know this and journey into our future to manifest our healed state just by seeing it!


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